Hello, my name is Denise Jomarron. Today, I will discuss the importance of planning ahead for the future. While preparing a simple estate planning package may seem overwhelming, it can help avoid the legal expenses and processes of Guardianship and even probate.
A durable power of attorney is a legal document where you appoint an agent to make legal and financial decisions for you in case of incapacity. This document can prevent the need for guardianship in the future, allowing you to maintain control over decision-making processes.
Why is a durable power of attorney vital in avoiding guardianship? It ensures your voice is heard and lets you maintain control over legal and financial decisions rather than going through the court process of guardianship.
Guardianships involve the court appointing a legal guardian over an incapacitated individual, which can be lengthy, expensive, and result in loss of personal control. Having a durable power of attorney in place can entirely avoid the guardianship process.
If you want to learn more about preparing a durable power of attorney, please call our office at (305) 402-4494. Thank you.
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